Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sweet and Savory Pastrami Crispbread

I read recently that eating a meal high in both dietary fiber and protein will keep you feeling full and satisfied longer into the day. I've been experimenting with it, and it sure seems to work.

Here's my tasty fiber / protein lunch for the day. They're like the little cracker sandwiches you had as a kid. Kinda like kicked up, adult Lunchables:

Crispbreads (Wasa and Ry Krisp are two brands of this stuff. You can find it in the cracker aisle. Here's a good health overview for the conscious readers. )
Deli Pastrami or Corned Beef (or just about any deli meat will work)
Cream Cheese
Blue Cheese Crumbles
Dried Cranberries
A lemon (or some lemon juice)

1. Put a couple scoops of cream cheese in a bowl with some blue cheese crumbles, a small handful of the dried cranberries, and a squirt of mayo.
2. Microwave this mixture at 1/2 power for about 15-20 seconds (just enough to make it stirrable)
3. Stir the ingredients together with a spoon.
4. Grab 4-5 of the crispbreads, break them in half (so they're bite-sized) and spread a spoonful of your cream cheese mixture on top.
5. Take a half slice of your chosen deli meat and mush it into the cream cheese so it stays put.
6. Squeeze juuuust a little lemon juice over the top, and chow down.

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