Sunday, October 30, 2011

Two new recipes soon

I don't have them in front of me so I'll post them soon, but a few nights ago we made trout with chili sauce and tonight we made Nigerian fiery stick meat. BOTH were very good. So I'll post those recipes soon. Summer or no summer.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ahh, summer

Now that summer is over and I'm back in the swing of the semester (actually, we're past midterm), it's hard for me to be cooking anything new or exciting or, if I am, to be posting about it. I made gnocchi a few times, but haven't quite gotten them to turn out how I want (they're good, but not great), so no posting on that. I'm obsessed with potstickers lately, but they're from a bag. Not post-worthy. Right now I'm eating chili, but chili is easy, so nothing to see here. I made this mushroom spaghetti sauce from Cook's Illustrated, but it was pretty much as good -- maybe not even as good -- as the mushroom and sundried tomato recipe on here, and it was WAY more time and work.

SO. If I make something good and interesting, I'll post it. But don't hold your breath.